domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

The story of stuff

The story of stuff, by Annie Leonard

Worksheet: The story of stuff

  1. What are the three stages of the things we have?

  1. Why is it a system is crisis?

  1. What is the most important thing missing?

  1. Are there some people more important than others? Who are they?

  1. What is the relationship between the corporation and the government?

  1. What is our first limit? Why is it happening?

  1. What do Western countries do to cope with the limitation of resources?

  1. What happens to raw materials when they enter the stage of production?

  1. Which food has the highest level of toxic substances?

  1. Who are the people mostly affected by toxins?

  1. Apart from the products, what else is being wasted?

  1. Where do the corporations do with the dirtiest factories?

  1. What does the word distribution imply?

  1. How can the corporation keep the prices low?

  1. Why aren’t we really paying the price for the stuff we buy?

  1. Where and how is coltan produced? Why is it used?

  1. Do you think we can be defined by what we consume (cars, mobiles, clothes, etc)?

  1. What is Lebow’s idea of our economic system?

  1. What is the ultimate purpose of our economy? Which do you think it should be?

  1. What is planned obsolescence? Can you give one example?

  1. What is perceived obsolescence? Can you give one example?

  1. What is the aim of fashion?

  1. Does consumption make people happier?

  1. Why are people more and more unhappy?

  1. What are the two ways to treat the garbage?

  1. What is so bad about incineration?

  1. What are the two reasons why recycling is not enough?

  1. Name two ways in which some people are trying to change the system.

Topics for an oral presentation:

These are the topics for you to surf the internet in order to prepare an oral presentation. I have given you the first link to start with:

The production of coltan:

  1. The power of corporations:

  1. Neocolonialism:

  1. Toxins and food:

  1. BFR:

  1. Unhealthy working conditions:

  1. Consumerism:

  1. planned obsolescence:

  1. incineration

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Tom's Diner

Tom's diner

El peligro de una sola historia

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013
